What we do
We support you on your journey from cyber security to cyber safety
Whether it’s Security, Identity and Access Management, Data Security, our Managed Services or our Consultancy Services, we help our customers on the journey to cyber safety.
IT is just harder to defend
What if:
Our philosophy is Cyber Safety
Safety is the feeling you have when you are free from harm.
Cyber safety is not only about avoiding harm to ourselves, but to others as well.
It is foundational to business growth.
Our Safe XDR service enables you to be safe by continuously managing your cyber threat exposure.
Introducing Safe XDR
Safe XDR is an Open XDR, Cyber Threat Exposure Management (CTEM)-enabling platform, that provides all the capabilities you need to be cyber safe. In essence Safe XDR provides managed security controls, and detection and response, from a single workbench.
Safe XDR with the technologies you choose: those of existing capabilities in-house, or other service providers.
Safe XDR advantages
The main advantage a defender has over an attacker, is we know the battlefield.
Safe XDR maximises that advantage by:​
Unique value of Safe XDR
Safe XDR is the world’s first AI-verified Extended Detection and Response (XDR) service that features a Risk Operation Centre.
Safe XDR delivers:
Efficiency: 90% automation of security tasks 95% reduction in Mean Time to Remediate (MTTR) provides 100% independence from skilled labour shortages and enables your teams to focus on vital tasks.
Quality: CTEM enables 100% visibility and accountability, reducing interdepartmental friction by 60% and enabling a 70% drop in risk of breach
User experience: full visibility and control of your security devices through a single workbench.
Affordable pricing: because we believe to be safe should not cost more but cost less.
Our Safe XDR portfolio

Safe XDR services enable your cyber safety journey:
Minimise Mean Time to Respond (MTTR) from hours and days to less than 6 minutes with human oversight, or to machine speed if fully automated
Optimise security control coverage: using state-of-the-art in-house ASM and playbooks that automate 90% of the investigative effort needed to identify the correct response.
Flexibility: we can provide the entire service or part of it, without the need for you to change your existing technology.
Quick remediation through prioritisation process based on exact coverage and the state of your security controls
The science behind Cyber Safety