Are you getting the most out of your security investments?
Performanta are one of Microsoft’s leading global security partners. With experts on the ground in the UK, in South Africa and in the US.
Performanta are Microsoft Specialists with extensive skills in Microsoft Sentinel, Microsoft Copilot for Security and Microsoft 365.
Speak to us about carrying out these Microsoft-funded engagements for you free-of-charge:
Microsoft Sentinel POC
Data Security Workshop
Microsoft 365 Assessment
Microsoft Copilot for Security Readiness Assessment
Performanta is a cyber security company that chose to partner with Microsoft rather than a Microsoft partner that chose to do cyber security.
Partnering with Performanta and Microsoft
Performanta is a member of the Microsoft Intelligent Security Association (MISA), an invitation only worldwide group comprising 300 of its most proficient partners. MISA gives us preferred access to roadmaps and development expertise.
We are proud to be one of only 20 partners that form the Microsoft Security Partner Advisory Council (SecPAC), who collaborate closely with Microsoft to shape the strategic direction and development of Microsoft's security products and services.
We are part of the Cybersecurity Investment (CSI) program, giving us access to Microsoft funding to help customer with their journey to Microsoft Sentinel or Microsoft Purview.
We are also a FastTrack Partner, meaning you can call on us to provide deployment advice and guidance, and utilise FastTrack Deployment vouchers to help you get Microsoft 365 working for you.
Performanta is a Microsoft Security Solutions Partner, with Specialisations in Information Protection and Governance, Identity an Access Management, Threat Protection and Cloud Security.

Microsoft Experts
Performanta’s biggest asset is its people. We have people with brains the size of planets.*
Our consultants and architects are all highly experienced and Microsoft qualified, as you would expect. Even our sales team have to pass Microsoft exams before we let them discuss Microsoft solutions with our clients.
*not technically true, but it feels like it