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Safe XDR

A managed service that not only detects and responds to threats, but also provides the visibility of your attack surface and the control you need to feel cyber safe.    

Safe XDR is the first platform in the market built to enable Continuous Threat Exposure Management (CTEM). It combines ASM and XDR technologies in a single platform that provides visibility of your attack surface and the control you need to feel cyber safe. Safe XDR comprises:


  • Encore Attack Surface Management (ASM) service that provides an attacker's view of your attack surface and shows gaps and misconfigurations in your defences that create risk


  • Extended Detection and Response (XDR) service delivered from the Security Operations Centre (SOC), proactively hunts for evidence of attack, supported by automation that empowers analysts and reduces response times


  • Risk Operations Centre (ROC) that prioritises exposure risks, develops risk mitigation plans, provides execution support to clients and ongoing service management.

SXDR Web Chart_2x.png

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